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Journaling with Vitheavy 6/15

Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing OK. There is a lot going on right now, and thinking about it all can become overwhelming. Let's use these next couple prompts to process our thoughts and feelings.

  • Lately it seems like big changes have been happening every day. What changes have happened in your life this year? What thoughts and feelings come up when you think about those changes?

  • Make a list of actions you can take to help your community and others around you, whether they are big or small actions. For example: Picking up trash when you see it outside, or standing up for someone or telling an adult if you see them being treated unfairly.

These are some pretty big prompts, so I am only listing two for this week. Please remember to treat others and yourself with kindness. Stay safe, I am keeping you all in my thoughts. Until next time!


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